Friday, November 18, 2016

Your Hair Quality Says A Lot About Your Health! You MUST READ This!

Like me, most of you may remember that the state of your hair has nothing to do with your health or vice-versa, because hair being a dead protein. 

But the texture, dryness, patchiness, dandruff, greyness or hair fall is directly influencing the health. The food we consume, age, stress level, mood swings hormones, and the hereditary are a few of the factors which affect the quality of your hair.

Here we are letting the cat out of the bag, asking you to pay more attention to the health of your hair!

1. Frizzy hair

Frizzy hair is an indicator of underactive thyroid known as hypothyroidism. It leads to fatigue, weight gain, slow heart rate, feeling cold all the time. Eyebrows also get thinner and start falling out. A doctor's visit is the best solution for this problem.

2. Dry hair

Dry hair is often due to various chemical processing, straightening, and dyeing. However certain health problems also lead to brittle hair. Disorder in adrenal glands also called, hypoparathyroidism, usually due to injury in the parathyroid glands is also responsible for drying of hair.

3. Patchy hair

The hair becomes patchy when a thick crust is formed on scalp, also called as psoriasis. It is often caused when skin goes overdrive, i.e. skin cells start growing rapidly. It is an autoimmune disease which is caused by a thick scab-like surface.

4. Flaky scalp

If you have a dry and flaky scalp, it probably means you are using too many products or you are too stressed. The flaky scalp leads to itching and dandruff. The increase in mental stress level makes the scalp itchy and flaky.

5. Dandruff

Most of us take dandruff very lightly, but it is now considered to be a complicated health issue which should be medicated with a proper prescription. A chronic inflammatory condition, Seborrheic which makes the scalp patchy, itchy and oily and when it shedding off, it leaves dandruff on it.

6. Grey hair

Stress is one of the main reasons for color change of hair. Researchers have believed that the radical, which is a hormone released during the time of stress which transmits melanin which changes the color of hair. It also stops hair from growing further.

7. Split ends

Split ends which may mean it's time to visit a salon. They not only damage hair but also make them weak and frizzy. It is often due to the weakness and patchy scalp. It cannot be cured but can be treated by using a proper shampoo, serum and brush.

8. Hair loss

The permanent hair loss which is officially known as androgenetic. It's caused by the change in the pattern of $3x hormones. This type of hair loss is due to hereditary and become permanent if not treated by medication. The derivative of woman testosterone is responsible for shrinking and killing of hair follicles.

9. Thin hair

It's fine to shed 100-150 hair a day but suddenly to find more, constant and continuous increase in a number of hair in your towel or brush, it's time for concern. It may happen due to high fever or infection. It is also one of the symptoms of diabetes or hormonal disorder. If you notice this happening to you, visit your doctor soon!



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