Friday, November 18, 2016

10 Natural Home Remedies To Get Rid of Cracked Feet Immediately!

Cracked or dry feet are one of the unfortunate nightmares to many people nowadays. The skin on our feet is usually dry in nature and unlike the skin on the rest of the body; it needs much concern and attention. And however, the skin on feet remain to pain and irritation in every season. This may be an sign of a lack of consideration to foot care that causes the cracked heels.

Well, the skin on your feet does not carry any oil glands so there is so much need of moisturizing them up and if you fail to do so, it results in cracked feet or heels.

So read more and try these home remedies or foot masks for treating your cracked feet or heel fissures.

#1 Scrubbing

Mix some liquid soap in warm water foot tub and soak your feet in it for 20 minutes. Use pumice stone and scrub off the skin. Wash off later and then pat dry followed by a cream or moisturizer.

#2 Coconut oil

Before going to bed, soak your feet in warm water and scrub it off with a loofah. After letting it dry, apply coconut oil and wear socks overnight and remove in the morning. Do this for 7 days and see the results.

#3 Mentholated rub

Before applying mentholated rub, clean your feet and put on the pair of socks overnight after applying. Wash the feet with warm water the next morning.

#4 Paraffin wax

Heat paraffin wax in a boiler and add coconut oil in it. Apply the paste on fissures and put on socks. And then same leave overnight and wash next morning.

#5 Glycerin

Add equal parts of glycerine and lemon juice. You can even add rose water for essence. Apply the mixture on your feet and leave for 15 to 20 minutes and rinse off. Repeat it for about 2 weeks.

#6 Epsom salt 

Epsom salt has the capability to heal the cracked heels. So for using it, add a half cup of salt in warm water and let your feet be in it for few minutes and then rub gently using a pumice stone. Then dry your feet and apply moisturizer thoroughly.

#7 Vinegar

Mix one cup of white or apple cider vinegar in 2 cups of water. Soak your feet in for 15 minutes and scrap off the dead skin using a foot scrubber. Wash your feet and then apply petroleum jelly or moisturizer.

#8 Lemon

Add some lemon juice to warm water and soak feet in the solution for about 10 minutes. Scrub, wash, dry and apply moisturizer as told earlier.

#9 Banana

Yes, banana pulp or paste is found to be very good in curing the cracked feet. Apply the paste on feet

and leave for 15 to 20 minutes. Wash your feet and follow this remedy on a daily basis.

#10 Oatmeal

Mix one tablespoon of powdered oatmeal and jojoba oil and make a paste. Apply the paste over feet and leave for 30 minutes. Rinse off and pat dry. Perform this every day.



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