Sunday, December 4, 2016

Ultrasound Video Reveals What Bad Smoking Can Do To Your Baby During Pregnancy!

New research explained that smoking moms can have a great result on the unborn babies and their growth. As a part of the study, the 4-D ultrasound scans show that smoking while pregnancy can harm the baby's nervous system.

The researchers also told that the fetuses whose mothers smoked revealed a much-increased rate of mouth movements in indicating that the Central Nervous System (CNS) controlling those movements did not grow in the same manner as the fetuses of non-smokers.

Scientists at Durham and Lancaster Universities in the U.K. analyzed 80-high definition ultrasound scans of 20 fetuses, gathered at 24 and 36 weeks into the pregnancy period so as to observe their mouth and other movements.

#1 Dr. Nadja Reissland of Durham University used 4-D ultrasound scanning

She conducted a study considering the fetuses of 20 pregnant women, out of which 4 smoked more than 10 cigarettes per day. So, she took ultrasound scan images every 3 weeks for 3 months.

#2 Enlarged mouth and facial touching

She found that the fetuses who were exposed to smoke behaved in a different manner compared to those that were not. The exposed ones moved their mouths and hands more frequently.

#3 Slower development of CNS in fetuses exposed to smoke

Fetuses during their maturation in womb start exhibiting less mouth and facial touching. In fact, the fetuses exposed to smoke were steady to shed the behavior. And reason totally found to be dependent on CNS.

#4 Smoking in every condition harms an unborn baby and its development.

Doctors even have advocated pregnant women to give up smoking as it maximizes the risk of premature birth and sometimes causes death too.

#5 "A larger study is needed to confirm these results"

Dr. Reissland made a comment on the outcomes by saying that still a lot of research and investigation is required to draw a specific connection between maternal stress and smoking.

So, check video for yourself.

Share with everyone you care of.



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