Sunday, December 4, 2016

Shocking Study Reveals Smoking W E E D Can Dry Out Your Vagina!

We are informed of w3ed, drugs and their opposing effects which causes skin irritation, blisters, hallucination and much more. But do you know about their impact on v@gina? If you don't, then pay attention!

 Many have no clue about this surprising revelation. According to reports, smoking we3d can dry your vagina just like the way it dries out your mouth and it could put a bit of a dampener on stoner $ex in the long run. It is a serious issue for women.

For every woman out there who smoke w3ed, Pay attention!

For every woman out there who smoke weed, Pay attention!

Please note, when you smoke weed, it might dry your vagina along with mouth. Umm! Pretty strange.

Let's see what science say.

According to a research happened in 2009, 8650 Australians reported v@ginal dryness due to smoking we3d and that's how scientists found the link they were looking for.

High dose of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

High dose of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

More amount of THC in your weed can cause more dryness to your vagina.

Cotton V@gina.

Cotton Vagina.

Dr. Julie Holland describes "cotton v@gina" as the drying of the membranes, the similar happens with the mouth.

Don't worry, as we have a simple and a great solution.
Don't worry, as we have a  simple and a great solution.

Coconut oil is the best way to get rid of dryness. So, always keep a bottle of coconut oil with you.



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