Monday, December 5, 2016

Here's How You Can Achieve The Super Soft Pink Lips Naturally! MUST READ

Every woman wants to have pinky, rosy, and glossy lips. As surely rosy lips improve the beauty of a woman. 

Our hectic agenda of life is also a major contributory part in having darker lips. Sometimes we can’t help it as darker lips are genetic inherited and are most commonly found in dark complexioned people.

Apart from natural reasons, the most popular reason for black hue lips are mere exposure to the sun, smoking, UV rays, allergies, too much intake of coffee and hormonal imbalance. So here we have a solution of your major problem dark lips, just try these DIY tips and get rosy lips.


Squeeze a lemon and apply it on your lips before going to bed. Apply it regularly for 1 to two months. Lemon has bleaching properties which will absorb dead skin and hence you will get pink lips.

Milk and Rose Petal Massage

Take 1 tablespoon of milk and add few rose petals. Now crush rose petals into milk till it turns pinkish in colour. Now apply the paste on lips and keep it until 10 minutes. Now after that, you can wash it with Luke warm water. It helps to maintain the natural pink color of lips.


Take few drops of honey; apply it gently on your face for 5 minutes. Due to its moisturizing properties, it will keep your lips motorized.

Sugar and Butter

Few people know that Sugar works as an outstanding lips exfoliant. It helps to get rid of unwanted dead skin cells occurred on lips. The butter helps to enhance the color and increase shine on your lips. Make a blend with three spoons of sugar powder with two spoons of butter. Use this mixture as a scrub on your lips. Try this natural beauty tip two to three times a week to get lighter lips. All these DIY are very simple and take only 2-5 minutes of yours and in return, they will give you desired pink rosy lips.

Beet Root

The deep purple color component present in beetroot has natural properties to reduce steadily darkness of your lips and thus can cleanse and lighten your dark lips.

Pomegranate Juice Massage

Dip cotton ball into Pomegranate juice then applies it on your lips before going to bed. Bleaching property of pomegranate will lighten the shade and keeps lips red.

Don't Forget to Watch this Video!


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