Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Mind Blowing Uses Of Vaseline Everyone Should Know About!

Vaseline is typical in a household. It is super helpful in those chilly winters and saves your skin from becoming all chapped and rough. Vaseline is essentially a particular kind of petroleum jelly sold by Unilever. The brand name ‘Vaseline’ has become synonymous with petroleum jelly. But did you know that apart from moisturizing your skin it the humble Vaseline can work miracles with many other things? If you didn’t then you are at the right place. You just have to go through the following article to know what those things are!

Your fire making solution while camping

While you are out camping and you realize that you do not have any tinder, then do not panic. Take a piece of cotton ball or cloth and dip it generously in Vaseline and light it. It will catch fire very easily and will burn for a long time.

For those squeaky doors

If you have got irritated by that squeaking sound of the doors, then Vaseline has the solution. Just rub Vaseline on all the hinges and they will stop squeaking.

Prevent steel tools from rusting

If you apply a thin coat of Vaseline on your steel tool, you are providing them with a protective layer that helps prevent rusting.

Rejuvenate your leather shoes

If your favorite leather shoes have started looking too haggard and old, then buff them with a little Vaseline and they will be shining as new. Apart from making them look new, the Vaseline will also water-proof them.

Open nail polish bottles more easily

Nail polish bottle caps have a habit of sticking to the bottle at the top. Just dab a little Vaseline on the bottle’s threads with the help of cotton and the bottle caps will not stick.

Irritated ears after wearing jewelry? Try Vaseline

If your ears get irritated after wearing a piece of jewelry, then before you wear the earrings or studs, rub a little Vaseline on the metal part which goes through the hole. It helps them slide through easily and prevents any negative reaction.

Extend your perfume’s life

If you are one of those people who love perfumes and trying on different fragrances but struggle to keep the fragrance long-lasting, then Vaseline is the thing for you. Apply a little bit of Vaseline on the area where you plan to spritz the fragrance. When you will spritz the perfume on this area, the fragrance will stay there for a much longer duration.

Make an emergency candle

If you suddenly need a candle but don’t have one then Vaseline can do the honors. Just roll up a small piece of paper into a thin tube and place it halfway into the Vaseline tub with its top sticking out. Then light it and it will burn really bright.

Keep car terminals battery terminals corrosion free

Remove the clamps of your car battery terminals and coat them with Vaseline, then reconnect them. They are easily saved from corrosion.

Remove water marks from furniture

With the help of a soft cotton cloth buff some Vaseline into the wood of your furniture and rub it in using circular motions to give smooth and shiny surface.

You might never have heard of these uses of Vaseline. So why not give them a try. Apart from giving you soft, skin it surely can give you a smooth life! You can refer the video below for detailed viewing.



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