Sunday, December 11, 2016

Gargle With These Odd Things And See What Happens To Your Teeth

How many of you ever faced or are still facing receding gum problem? I guess many of you. 

The receding gum line is a common problem in every person's life. And moreover, it causes huge embarrassment and discomfort. Many of you must be thinking about what is gum line recession? So here is the answer to your question - gum line recession basically is when your gums start to pull away from your teeth resulting in a gap that leads to a buildup of bacteria.

There are many causes like heredity, gum disease, unbalanced hygiene and smoking. Well, try knowing your cause and follow a specific treatment. Gum receding line is something that should not be left untreated. So choose your treatment as soon as you can.

Gum Receding – causes infection and tooth decay

Gum Receding – causes infection and tooth decay

The receding gum lines provoke infection and result in tooth decay eventually so use any of the following options to cure it quickly.

1. Oil Pulling

1. Oil Pulling

Gargel your mouth with sesame oil as the oil has capabilities to fight plaque buildup. You can use warm oil to protect the gums and teeth.

2. Green tea

2. Green tea

Green tea is the best remedy to soothe inflamed gums and destroy bacteria which is responsible for the infection. Hence, drink a warm cup of green tea regularly.

3. Aloe Vera

3. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is famous for its inflammatory and antibacterial abilities and is even used to safeguard the gums from existing and further infection. You can use Aloe Vera's gel as a mouthwash or while brushing teeth.

4. Eucalyptus oil

4. Eucalyptus oil

This oil is very useful in killing bacteria in the mouth and even acts as an anti-inflammatory for infected and swollen gums.  The oil's protective properties help to soothe irritated gums. Use this oil as mouthwash and rinse with fresh water.

5. Myrrh

5. Myrrh

Myrrh is a kind of resin that treats receding gums and makes them less susceptible to bacteria and infection. You can apply directly or in a paste form.

6. Yarrow

6. Yarrow

Yarrow has antiseptic and astringent properties that act well to cleanse and avoid damage to gums. You can simply rub flowers or leaves of yarrow over gums and prevent gum recession.



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