Tuesday, October 11, 2016

How ICE Can Make Your Skin Healthy and Glowing! MUST READ!

Skin icing has become popular modern beauty ritual for healthy, better-looking skin. This treatment has been practiced by a lot of beauty professionals in spas and skin care treatments for several years and for its wide range of advantage.

Korean women have known for their elaborate beauty routine and skin icing is a regular technique in their skin care treatments.

Skin icing is able to:

  • Refresh the skin of the face
  • Fight the formation of wrinkles
  • Combat acne and blemishes
  • Increase the blood flow which results with healthy and glowing skin
  • Eliminate dark circles

If you have a problem with dark circles under the eyes you can use a mixture of frozen water with cucumber juice to eliminate them. Dark circles can be caused by a number of reasons, but whatever the reason, this method will help you eliminate the puffiness.

    Improves circulation

Ice is believed to improve circulation in the skin. Cold tighten the blood vessels so that less blood goes to the surface of the skin (which reduces any inflammation or swelling). The body responds by gradually by sending an increased flow of warm blood to the area.

    Smoother skin

Skin icing will unclog the pores that look larger because of excess sebum and debris and in that way it will tighten your skin and shrink enlarged pores. This beauty ritual will tone your face skin and make it look smooth.

    Controls blemishes

Using skin icing regularly will soothe inflammation and swelling on your face, which makes it a great remedy for pimples or blemishes. Once a new pimple appears on your skin, apply an ice cube directly on it to stop the inflammation. Hold the ice cube on the pimple for a few seconds, and use the same method on any affected area to reduce the size and number of your blemishes

    Prevents wrinkles

The ice cubes are a natural trick to remove wrinkles and prevent them. The application of ice helps firm the skin, reduces the appearance of present wrinkles and prevents the occurrence of new ones. The skin will look younger.

Firstly, cleanse your face thoroughly, then wrap one or two ice cubes in a gauze or any other kind of soft cloth. When the ice starts melting and dampens the cloth, apply it to the face. Hold it in different areas on the face for 1 or 2 minutes. Move the ice gently with circular movements. Go up along the chin and the jaw line, up the cheeks, and along the forehead and nose. Take special care for the area underneath your nose. Finish the procedure with toner, moisturizer or acne treatment.

Skin icing can also be applied without covering the ice cubes and if that is your choice, make sure you wear gloves so you can hold the ice for a long time. You shouldn’t be worried if you cannot use ice directly on the skin. Holding the cubes with a soft cloth has the same effect.

But, if you decide to use bare ice, be careful and do not apply it straight from the freezer because it can break the capillaries under the skin. If you already have broken capillaries, avoid skin icing and do not use it for too long. If you are not comfortable, you can freely stop the treatment.

Skin icing should not last longer than 15 minutes. Add come lemon, rosewater, green tea, cucumber, chamomile tea, and other skin-friendly ingredients to the water for the ice cubes, depending on your skin type and you will get great results.



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