Sunday, December 11, 2016

8 Types Of Discharge 'Down There' That All Ladies Must Know. Find Out What They Reveal About Your Health Here!

No one knows a woman's body actually like a woman herself. She normally knows precisely what's going on with her body at all times - from hormonal changes, mood swings to every lump and slight pain that goes on inside. 

Despite this intimate knowledge, some women know very little about what goes on in their private areas
They tend to be easily embarrassed when their private part’s health is concerned. Even a trip to the gynecologist is an uncomfortable thought for some ladies. 

Don't stress about it ladies. 

All women should be informed about what goes on inside their bodies. Even one trip to the gynecologist every year might save you further complications. 

Read on if you want to learn more about your body's health or answers about discharge “down there”.

8 Types of Discharge

1. Slippery and clear
- Sign of ovulation (Body is looking to get pregnant)
- Natural lubricant during arousal
- Good indicator to use protection and other contraceptives

8 Types Of Discharge 'Down There' That All Ladies Must Know. Find Out What They Reveal About Your Health Here!

2. Cloudy White
- Normal for some women to have a cloudier colored discharge compared to number one
- If the discharge looks different and you’re feeling something out of the ordinary, like itching and soreness, then it’s a possible sign of infection
- Possible sign of early pregnancy

8 Types Of Discharge 'Down There' That All Ladies Must Know. Find Out What They Reveal About Your Health Here!

4. Yellowish Green Color
- Sign of infection
- Possible signs of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) or Venereal Diseases (VD) like trichomoniasis and gonorrhea. (Make sure you inform any intimate partners you may have recently had.)
- Schedule a doctor's appointment when this occurs.

8 Types Of Discharge 'Down There' That All Ladies Must Know. Find Out What They Reveal About Your Health Here!

5. Bloody or Brown Color
- Most often menstrual spotting
- Brownish color often means older menstrual blood left over from most recent flow
- If you no longer get a period or don’t normally discharge spots then seek a doctor's advice. (Possible sign of cervical or ovarian cancer)

8 Types Of Discharge 'Down There' That All Ladies Must Know. Find Out What They Reveal About Your Health Here!

7. Gray or Black Color
- Schedule a doctor's appointment when this occurs
- Possible old menstrual blood like brown color
- Most common reason for black discharge is foreign objects in the private area. Go to a doctor and get a checkup to avoid toxic shock syndrome.

8 Types Of Discharge 'Down There' That All Ladies Must Know. Find Out What They Reveal About Your Health Here!

8. Pinkish Tint
- Most often means you're bleeding, but only slightly 
- Often seen after sex or sexual activity due to the friction involved.
- Early Sign of Pregnancy (Implantation)



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