Wednesday, November 16, 2016

9 Proven Ways To Get Rid Of Dry And Wrinkly Hands

Your hands become dry and wrinkly because to everyday household chores. If you don't pay awareness to them, they might make you look older than your age.

It is very important to take equally good care of your hands as your face. A young and beautiful face won't look good with aged hands.

Check out these 9 wonderful tips to make your hands look younger.    

1) Use a sanitizer with extra moisturizers.

Alcohol can strip off the moisture of your hands completely.  Whenever handwashing is not possible, use a sanitizer with added moisturizers to kill germs in your hands.

2) Protect your hands from the cold. 

Make sure to combat excessive dryness and cracking in your hands during the winter season. Don a pair of woolen or cotton gloves to protect your hands from the chilling temperature.

3) Never forget to moisturize your hands every day. 

Frequent exposure of your hands to water, soap, detergent and chemicals tend to make them dry and wrinkly. Use a high-quality moisturizer to keep your hands soft and young.

4) Always use a mild soap for washing your hands.

Harsh soaps can rob your hands of their youthful appeal. Opt for a mild soap to prevent your hands from looking old.

5) Protect your hands from the harmful UV rays of the sun. 

UV rays tend to make your skin dry and wrinkly. Use a moisturizing sunscreen lotion for your face and hands.

6) Use a pair of latex or rubber gloves to cover your hands. 

While doing the daily chores such as gardening, washing utensils or clothes, never forget to shield your hands to maintain their youthfulness. If you are allergic to latex, use rubber gloves to protect your hands from harsh chemicals.

7) Exfoliate to remove dead cells from your hands. 

One of the reasons of lifeless hands is the presence of dead cells on the top layer of your skin. Dermatologists recommend exfoliating your face and hands on regular basis. You can prepare a DIY exfoliating solution by combining olive oil with rock salt or sugar.

8) Use anti-aging cream to prevent dryness in your hands.

Dryness and cracking can make your hands look older. Choose an anti-aging cream that contains ingredients such as retinol, anti-oxidants, and peptides.

9) Massage your hands on regular basis.

Gently massage your hands with olive or coconut oil to improve blood circulation. Make sure to provide proper massage to your hands, palms, fingers, cuticles and nails.
Share these tips and tricks for young-looking hands with everyone you care.


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