Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Do You Take Birth Control Pills? There are 10 Side Effects That Your Doctor Isn't Telling You!

     Birth Control is a method for a man and a woman to prevent pregnancy. There's a lot of methods when it comes to birth control, and that includes the hormonal contraception called the 'pill'. Women are the only ones who will take the said pill, through the mouth, to prevent the pregnancy, and if it is taken correctly it will be effective 99.9%. It's just that pills can't protect you against any sexually transmitted diseases, like HIV (virus that causes AIDS).

     Birth control pills are like a synthetic form of the hormones called progesterone and estrogen. The pills will prevent the ovulation by maintaining the right hormone levels. Here's a sample, when you take the right pill that your doctor gave you, you will not have a peak in your estrogen levels and that would mean that your ovary won't get any signal to release the egg. That means that when you don't release the egg, it will stop any possibility of fertilization yet alone, pregnancy.

     The pills also thickens your cervical mucus, which will make the sperm to make it even harder to reach the egg. Well most likely it won't reach the egg and will eventually die from swimming. The pills will also make the lining of the uterus to be unreceptive, meaning to not receive any of the sperm. That's why there won't be any implantation to happen on the egg.

     A lot of couples nowadays go for birth control pills, as it's one of the easier approach when it comes to preventing pregnancy. However there's a lot of side effects that your doctor might not be telling you about using these pills. In this article we will present to you the top 10 side effects of these birth controls that you probably didn't know about.

  • Migraines or Headaches - Since some pills functions into lowering the estrogen level in the body, it will lead to migraines or headaches. This is one of the side effects that pills can cause to you, and it is proven by the studies that professionals did. Migraines and headaches can occur at the beginning of the consumption of pills, and it can increase the number of headaches or if you're lucky then it might disappear after some time. In case you continued to have headaches, then try changing your pills for a lower content of hormones.

  • Nausea - Nausea can occur after you begin using these pills, since some pills an irritate the stomach. It is better to take after eating or before bedtime. In case you keep on getting this side effect then talk to your doctor.

  • Breast Tenderness - This is one of the mild side effects that you can experience when you're taking birth control pills, especially at the first few weeks. Your breast can enlarge because of the hormonal changes. Try to reduce your coffee and salt in take and wear a better and much supportive bra. In case your breast feels a bit pained in some area, or you felt a lump in it, get it checked by your doctor immediately.

  • Breakthrough Bleeding - This occurs at the first 3 months when you started taking pills. This is normally because of low-dose birth control pills. In case the bleeding is too much, get checked by your doctor for a better perspective and idea as to why you're bleeding too much.

  • Vaginal Yeast Infection - This might be caused by the hormonal change in your body. This risk is doubled or even tripled by spermicides, especially for women who has diabetes, or for those who consume a big amount of sugar and alcohol. Get treated and checked by your trusted doctor.

  • Weight Gain - This is one of the possible side effects when you take birth control pills. The hormones in the pills will affect your intake of food as well as water, which will make you gain more weight. In case you've noticed that you're eating too much lately and getting fat, might as well go exercise or add up some physical activities.

  • Mood Changes - Expect having mood changes once you've taken pills as these pills can cause imbalance of some neurotransmitters and ruin your mood for some time. There are times that some people who has a history of depression in their blood line, should actually consult their doctors first before taking pills since it can actually lead to depression.

  • Visual Changes - Women who might experience this side effect are those who often wear contact lenses and glasses. Long term usage of these pills can actually lead to ocular hypertension.

  • Blood Clots - Blood clots are often seen on women whose taking pills because it doubles their risk of excreting too much blood. This is actually important to take note of since it can cause a great alert for you to bleed so much, with blood clots. Also if you're overweight, or over 35 and smokes a lot, try changing your lifestyle to get healthier. There are times that there are cases in which some women tend to have breathing problems, chest pains, or even swelling in their legs, and that could actually mean that there's a blood clot in the heart or lungs. Make sure to get checked if you're feeling these symptoms.
  • Losing the Libido - Since the pills can halt the production of the testosterone, it can actually lead to you losing your libido. Normally you'd actually loss interest in having intercourse with your partner, as well as decreased the ability to have orgasms, and sadly you'll experience more pain during the act of intercourse.

     Make sure to take pills everyday at exactly the same time for less side effects, and for it to work efficiently. In case you've experienced these symptoms get checked soon. Also in case you feel or checked that you're pregnant, stop using birth control pills as soon as you can. Always remember that a new life means a blessing. Don't often use birth control methods, as it can give you much worst side effects.

Source: BoyHealthy


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