Tuesday, February 6, 2018

BE ALERT: Newest Modus on Facebook of a Ped0phile Went VIRAL Soon After It Got Posted!

     Make sure to take your time to read this article, especially if you're in the age bracket of 10 to 20. This also applies to parents, since your kids might have added a few people on Facebook.

     A woman named Armie Geronimo posted her little sister's conversation with a random guy (a mutual friend of a friend) on Facebook. Turns out that the guy was a pedophile, a person whose se*xually attracted to younger people. Check out the post below!

English Translation of Post:

For all the young girls out there.

     I was talking with my little sister when she said that a person chatted her on Facebook and was threatening her sister that he knows her sister's Facebook account password which he knows how to change and hack her sister's account. Since I am the eldest I took over of the situation. My sister was scared, but since I know that there are these kinds of modus I took charge and replied the guy.

     It was obvious that the pedo guy was just looking for a victim in which he can easily fool. It was such a good thing that my sister told me about it.

     I was the one talking to the pedo guy when the chat started with 'Oh?' and he thought that we'll be any easy victim with his plans, and that's where he's wrong. He just found a match. So for all of the young girls out there, never ever get swayed by a random person's words especially the sketchy ones. For the safety of my sister's account I asked her to deactivate her account after the whole thing is finished so that she won't get hacked.

     We saw on Facebook Messenger that she was already blocked by the pedo guy. Take a lot of care especially with dealing with guys like these!

Please report the account, for him to get banned. Thank you.
PS. Please read the captions of the pictures.
PPS. He actually made my night.

Below are the pictures in the post above plus the caption in each one of them!

*My sister accepted him as a friend since she saw a mutual friend.
Once she accepted him he already chatted her*

He was asking if they could be friends, as well as the girl's age.


*This is where my sister got scared.
Because her account might get hacked*

He suddenly said that he was using the girl's account and he'll change it's password.


*I was the one holding her phone here and was the one talking to the pedo guy.
Maybe he thought that we were easy to get fooled.*

To scare the girl more, he said that he'll edit a picture of the girl and post some na.ked ones.


*We thought of trying to go along with him, so that we'll know what he's really aiming for.*

He said that the girl should abide his conditions so that he won't hack her account.
Says he was going to ask about the girl's body.


*There's nothing, really.*

He said that the girl should reply asap.
He asked the girl if she was wearing a bra, and if her boobs were big.


She answered that she only has small ones.
The guy said to answer faster.
The girl said that the net was slow.
He asked the girl if she shaves.
She said no.
He said so, you've got tons of hair in your *you know where*


*HAHAHAHA. Sorry he wasn't the only one crazy, I was too.*

He asked if it it was a lot, the hair.
She answered sarcastically with 2,305 pieces.


He asked what age does she had her first hair in her private.
She said 1 year old.


He threatened that he'll post their chat.
She answered back with to be fair, I'll post it too.
Then he said that he wants the girl to do something then he'll give back the girl's account.


*This is it, we're actually really laughing all over.*

It's just that he's asking something perv.
He asked to see her bra.
She sarcastically answered with, why?


*No one uses the bras' anymore. Its just that we don't really throw away our stuffs.*

She sent a picture, said it was 7 years (the bra) already and if he was willing to buy it.


He asked if whose the owner of the bra.
She said 100% mine.


*We really thought about what picture we'll send.*

He said that he wants her to wear the bra.
So she wore it... on her knees. (Witty)
So he got angry and said why she was wearing it on her knee.
She said, huh? I actually wear bra's on my knees often.


*Oh huh! Look at my effort for drawing that boobs he's talking about. Massive!
PS. We used our Mom's eyebrow liner for that, that's why it's brownish in color.*

He asked for the girl's boobs.
She sent him that epic one.


She said sorry it was brownish.
He got angry and said that he'll change the password.
She said, did you actually thought that you were speaking to the owner of the account?


*And this is where he blocked my sister.*


*AJ CHAVEZ, You ain't fooling anyone here.*

Below are the culprit's social media pictures as well as his in real pictures.
Be aware young girls!






*His Facebook wasn't deactivated. More like he reversed his name to Yeol Chan.
Says he's not interested. LOL.*


    Make sure to spread this to your family, relatives, and friends whose always adding friends that they're never even met before, even if its a mutual friend of a friend. Be aware of people like AJ Chavez whose using the name of the Lord in his profile.

Source: Facebook


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