Friday, March 10, 2017

MUST READ: Can Irregular Periods Can Indicate Heath Problems?

When your period is late or irregular, it can be completely nerve-wracking. Your mind might quickly jump to pregnancy (if you're sexually active) or a serious medical condition (if you're not).

So it is advisable not to ignore some simple signs. All women are complex and you probably know what’s normal for you in those many years of experience. If something changes, you should pay attention.

8 Signs Of Irregular Periods

While bouts of stress or illness can cause irregular menses, these 8 signs can indicate a much more serious problem.

1. Excessive Or Prolonged Bleeding
Very common among women nowadays are a uterine tumors called fibroids.  These form on the walls of the uterues. The cause is still unknown. This can cause your period to last longer than 7 days, or you might experience a heavy flow. Researches made on women in the ages between 15-49 who were surveyed regarding their menstrual flow found that women with fibroid tumors were most likely than women without them:

  • Bleeding between periods
  • Heavy menstrual flow
  • Irregular periods
  • Prolonged duration of menstrual period
  • Chronic pelvic pain
  • Painful sexual intercourse
  • Bladder pressure
  • Cramping throughout the month

2. Irregular Periods
If you have an unstable period, your cycle may be caused by the conditions listed bellow.
PCOS or polycystic ovary syndrome often develops in teens and young adults. It is a condition of an imbalance of sex hormones estrogen and progesterone. Small cysts form in the ovaries and then they become enlarged. Then your ovulation doesn’t occur regularly.

There is a connection between excess insulin in the blood and PCOS, because this hormone is partly responsible for testosterone levels in our bodies. Insulin resistance is the first factor in the incidence of PCOS and a precursor to diabetes type 2. PCOS can cause infertility, however you can treat it with weight reduction, blood sugar managment, exercises, diet on herbs and natural organic foods.

Women with both types 1 and 2 diabetes often experience “disordered reproductive function”.
Another, 5-year study of over  confirmed that irregular or long menstrual cycles corresponds to a significantly higher risk of developing diabetes than in women with regular periods.

3. Light Flow
If you have a regular cycle but it becomes noticeably lighter over the course of several months, it might be a sign that you are experiencing unusual stress or hormone changes. A light period means one that lasts less than 2 days. 

Stress is extremely difficult to manage on your own and can be a life challenge. What you can do is confide to a friend or a specialist, exercise regularly, meditate, practice yoga, listen to some music, do whatever helps you. It is important to find ways to deal with it, so that it doesn’t lead to chronic stress.

4. Early Menstruation
Nowadays, girls begin to menstruate 6 months earlier and develop breasts 2 years earlier than 40 years ago. This is because of the toxins in food and environment we experience today.
Xenoestrogens are chemicals that mimic estrogen and can be found in personal and home products for care, pesticides, and ingestion of plastic food containers. The long-term effects are not yet known.

5. Unbearable Cramps
Menstrual pain is normal, since the uterus cleanses and expels bad blood. What is not normal is unbearable cramps and pains while menstruating. Pelvic pain accompanied by lower back pain, especially during the cycle, may be a sign of ednometrosis, which is a chronic condition where the tissue lining the uterus grows outside the uterus.

It can affect other parts of the female reproductive system, including ovaries, fallopian tubes, cervix, vagina, and vulva. Sometimes it grows outside and around the bladder, lung, arm, leg etc.

6. Early or Late Puberty
The onset of puberty is managed by hormones. The thyroid secretes hormones that influence digestion system, growth, libido, digestion, mental health, heart rate, muscle action, and menstrual cycle. It’s assessed that more than 12% of the number of inhabitants in the modern world will encounter thyroid issues. Poisons in food and the environment are considered in charge of this epidemic.

A thyroid that isn’t working appropriately can influence when adolescence happens. An overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) can be motioned by light, irregular, or missed periods. Interestingly, overwhelming, heavy, broadened periods can show hypothyroidism (underactive).

7. Unusual Bleeding
Bleeding between menstrual periods and/or after sexual intercourse can be a sign of cervical cancer or pregnancy. If you notice this over the course of a couple months, contact your specialist.

8. Sudden Lack Of Periods
A low body mass index (less than 18.5) can provide stopping of your periods or delaying their onset at puberty. The adipose tissue is the place where hormone conversion takes place. Various hormones come together and are released from the fat in the bloodstream.

It may be inconvenient, but your periods are another way of monitoring your general health. Immediately talk to your doctor if you experience some of these issues.


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