Your body has methods of showing you what diseases and ailments you are probably at risk for.
One indicator is actually your umbilicus or belly button.
Yes, it may sound unusual, but your navel shape and color can indicate if you’re suffering from a disease.
1. Protruding navel
This protrusion can be tolerated to a degree, but if the navel is protruding more than usual, and you lifted something heavy recently, it can be a sign of an impending hernia.
2. Mild protrusion
This kind of shape reveals that you are more prone to the flu and seasonal diseases.
3. Indrawn navel
An indrawn navel usually means that your dealing with weight problems as well as digestive system problems, which can result in constipation in some cases.
4. Almond-shaped navel
If the navel has pronounced lines, you need to watch out for migraines and muscle pain. This can also be a sign of brittle bones.
5. Y-shaped navel
This is one of the most common and aesthetically pleasing navel shapes.
However, this shape is usually a sign of kidney and skin diseases.
It also means that your future children are more exposed to the risk of genetic disorders.
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