Friday, March 10, 2017

Careful Ladies! Those Skinny Jeans Can Be A Real Threat To Your Health

Next time, before buying jeans, pick a pair which is the most comfortable to you, and not just checking out the fashion sense. Always try jeans before purchasing it, and while trying just bend over to check its level of comfort. It should provide proper flexibility and movement to your legs, especially thighs and buttocks. Never try to fit in clothes of small size. You may end up harming your body.


Skinny jeans damage our muscles.

People who have a large belly and like to wear low-waist jeans to hide their fat may end up harming their health.  There are huge disadvantages concealed in these low-waist jeans. These may compliment your figure and may be good in fashion sense, but its long-term effects are devastating.

Our clothes and our body shape.

Out clothes mold our body shape. That is why we are asked to wear bras, which will prevent our breasts from sagging in early age. Similarly, to hide belly fat, if we wear tight jeans, the fat will push up and accumulate, and your body will take a weird and abnormal shape.

The hipster garment.

Doctors have warned how bad this hipster garment is for all of us. It is necessary not to overstate the risks of wearing such clothes. But still, some stubborn minds have decided not to give up on this clothing.

Men are also affected!


Not only for women but wearing tight jeans can be equally hazardous to men as well. It can adversely affect their infertility and damage their testicles. Doctors had named this problem as "compartment syndrome," which means the cause of harm to one's nerves and muscles due to tight clothes.

Kate Middleton is an inspiration for many!

A 35-year-old woman is actually found to be suffering from 'compartment syndrome'. She often complained of leg pain. When been checked, she had severe internal bleeding and swelling in leg muscles. In the hospital, doctors had to cut off her pants to take them out of her legs. This injury kept her devoid of walking for a few weeks.

From hips to kidneys.

Some medical reports also revealed that women had abnormally high levels of creatine kinase enzyme in their body, which signals muscle damage and if not treated, in the long term, it may also affect the kidneys.

Accept your body shape. Do not change it!


Skinny jeans are meant to add on to our beauty, not to change the way we are. The gift of our body is very precious, and we should accept it the way it is.

Love your body.

Clothing is designed to flaunt the shape we have, and not designed to build a shape we don't have by taking such risks.


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