Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Dyspraxia Is More Than Just Clumsiness! You must read this!

Ever wondered what it would like to have difficulty trying to balance yourself or doing simple acts like tying your shoelace? It can get pretty frustrating, but there are many people who need to live their lives with such difficulties.

Understanding Dyspraxia

Dyspraxia is a lifelong condition that affects the gross motor skills in adults and children. It is, in fact, a form of Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD). Though it is quite a common disorder, there are many people who have not heard of it.

A person diagnosed with dyspraxia can have difficulties in doing simple tasks like gripping a pencil, jumping, holding a fork, etc. There exists some discrepancy in the transmission of messages from the brain to the body. This is a life-long disorder that children live with even during adulthood.

Dyspraxia isn't muscle weakness

Being diagnosed with dyspraxia does not undermine a person's intelligence. In fact, they only seem 'out of sync' in terms of doing routine daily activities. This should not be misinterpreted for muscle weakness because dyspraxia is a condition of the brain. It affects motor movements like writing or using the tongue (pronouncing words). Therefore, they might look as less intellectual even if they are not.

Due to the lack of coordination, they don't participate much in sports or many public events. Because it is a disorder mostly diagnosed in childhood and they may be made fun of or ridiculed for their disorder. The exact cause of the disorder remains unknown but it affects the way the brain transmits information to the body in terms of smooth gross motor movement.

Forms of Dyspraxia

Though research does suggest that genetics may be playing a role into its cause but these are all tentative assumptions. Dyspraxia exists in different forms. Sometimes the individual is having difficulty in conducting a single gross movement or a sequence of gross movements. It could also affect a person's speech. They might have difficulty in pronouncing; their slurring makes it hard for others to understand what they are saying.

A person having dyspraxia might have difficulty in understanding spatial relationships. Hence, they won't be able to build blocks or do well in subjects like geometry.


Dyspraxia is not a commonly known disorder, but it is, in fact, a commonly found disorder. Therefore, it's important to understand that a person with different behavior is not necessarily unintelligent. They didn't choose to have this life. But they try their best to get through every day without troubling anyone.

So let's love them for who they are instead of pinpointing what they're not. After all, inclusion starts when we choose to see the person beneath all these limitations.

This is a very small video that we made to help people understand what is Dyspraxia



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