Sunday, January 1, 2017

8 Unwanted Conditions That Lead To Missing Period Other Than Pregnancy!

A missed period is one of the worst nightmares a girl ever has. Hundreds of thoughts start hovering around your mind: Did you forget to take the pill, are you pregnant, is something wrong with your ovaries, and what not!

But there are more than this one reason of pregnancy behind missed periods.

Read some of the most common causes of delayed/missed periods before you run to buy a pregnancy kit!

1) Stress

Stress has a stronger hold on your hormones than you think. It affects hypothalamus- part of the brain which is responsible for your period. If you've had an extra load of work in the office or going through a breakup, that might be the reason of your delayed or missed period.

2) Thyroid inactivity

Hormone levels are affected if the thyroid glands don't function properly. The overactive (hyperthyroidism) or underactive (hypothyroidism) can have an impact on the menstrual cycle.

3) Sudden change in weight

Sudden gain or loss of weight (in significant quantity) can cause a disbalance in hormones and thus affect the ability to ovulate. This, in turn, leads to missed periods.

4) Birth control

When you go on or off the contraceptive pills, your body takes some time to regulate the periods accordingly. Contraceptive implants or injections may result in missed periods.

5) Changed medication

Since many medicines come with hormones already, a change in medicines may cause an imbalance in the hormones in your body for some time. This might lead to delayed periods.

6) Illness

If you have fallen sick at the time of your ovulation, chances are you might not ovulate that month. Thus, there might be a delay in your periods.

7) Polycystic Ovary Symptom (PCOS)

PCOS is a hormonal imbalance affecting the estrogen, progesterone and testosterone levels. Other effects of PCOS are excessive hair growth on face and chest, potential fertility issues, and difficulty in losing weight. Due to hormonal imbalance, there is no ovulation, and thus no periods.

8) Excessive exercise

If you're new to the gym or have taken rigorous exercises as a daily routine, chances are your periods will be delayed, or even missed.



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