Sunday, January 1, 2017

Ladies, If You Shave Your Private Area, You Must Read This!

Ladies remove their pubic hair for quite a long time .The majority of the ladies remove their pubic hair completely or mostly. This became normal part of their hygiene. But many of the ladies don’t know that removing the pubic hair has some side effects.
Ladies, we recommended to you not to shave or wax your pubic hair. Read This!

Namely, a scientist who published the results of her research in American Diary of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Andrea De Maria is saying that women are not aware of the dangers of removing the pubic hair from their intimate zone. It was found that, 90% of women shave their pubic hair, while 87% go at a marvel salon for a private haircut.

In this area the skin is very sensitive, as well as prone to cuts and wounds. After shaving their pubic hair, majority of women feel tingling.

We should mention that in the genital area there are many sweat glands, which makes it a perfect environment for development of bacteria. Also, in case you have cuts on this area there’s the risk of infection. The gynecologists say that pubic hair in a way provides resistance to sexually transmitted diseases.



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