There are numerous points in our body which can treat various diseases and pains in a different section just by pressing them. The science behind this method of ailments is called Acupressure. We all have understood a lot about acupressure but a very few of us have performed it in our daily lives.
In today's world, we prefer heavy pain killers to natural remedies. Acupressure is actually a big rescue for all of us as we can press the particular points meant for different types of pain even at our workplace.
Close your eyes and gently press this part of your forehead for 45 seconds.

Feel better? Well, this treatment reduces muscle tension and enhances blood circulation. Get ready for the positive vibes, buddy!
Migraine and headaches are very common these days. Constant usage of cell phones and laptops directly affects our eyesight and puts stress on our muscles. An elongation of it turns into painful headaches.
Apart from the point on the forehead, there are a few more acupressure points to cure a headache:
Point 1: Point in flesh between thumb and index finger

Point 2: Point between 2nd and 3rd toe

Point 3: Located at outer tip of the eyebrow

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