Tuesday, November 22, 2016

POTATO DIET: Gives Wonderful Results In just 3 Days! Will Lose up to 5 Kg!

Potato diet, as determined by its name, it has potatoes as the main component but also includes low-fat yogurt, and if you follow the directions, you can lose 3-5 kilos in just three days.
The starch which the potatoes bears with milk acids with low oily yogurt, shall provide the body enough daily intake of calories. The starch, when united with water, gives a feeling of satiety and without large intake of food.

This diet is kept only three days and can be repeated up to two times consecutively.


Breakfast: One boiled potato without salt and a cup of yogurt
Lunch: Two boiled potatoes without salt and a cup of yogurt
Dinner: 2 cups of yogurt


Breakfast: a cup of yogurt
Lunch: Two boiled potatoes without salt and a cup of yogurt
Dinner: One boiled potato without salt and a cup of yogurt


Breakfast: a boiled potato without salt
Lunch: One boiled potato without salt and a cup of yogurt
Dinner: a cup of yogurt

Important note that you should keep it in mind: do not replace boiled potato with a fried one. Boiled potato is considered very healthy commodity and fried potato is unhealthy and encourages

sedimentation of weight. Boiled potato contains a lot of vitamins and minerals and because of the fibers contentment they speed up the work of intestines and digestion of food.

100 grams of potato contains 75 calories, which is less than a cup of orange juice. On the other hand yogurt regulates the digestive system, removes excess water and toxins from the body.


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