Thursday, October 13, 2016

Diet Foods that are Actually Making You Fat!

We all have staples when we're trying to lose weight. The fact? Several dieting practice are not as healthy as people believe they are. Sometimes, the healthy foods you interchange are surprisingly high in fat and calories.

It’s time to think that the so-called “diet foods” we eat every day as we strive for better health might just be the culprit.

Many diet foods pack in a ton of fats and hidden calories and are responsible for sugar cravings, energy depletion, and long-term weight gain.

Here are 10 diet foods that are making you fat instead of thin.

1. Breakfast Cereal Made From Refined Grains

Refined-grain cereals are among the richest sources of added sugars. They also contain refined carbohydrates that break down into sugar in our blood. This causes an overflow of sugar in our bloodstream.Whole-grain foods promote weight loss whereas refined-grain foods promote weight gain.

2. Diet Soda

People who drank diet soda gained about triple the abdominal fat over nine years compared to those who did not. Since artificial sweeteners are not digested the way regular sugar is, they get stuck in our gut instead and change the behavior of the gut’s bacteria. This induces glucose intolerance, which leads to a spike in blood sugar.

3. Gluten-Free Food

Gluten-free has become popular as a weight-loss diet. Whole grains like quinoa, rye and barley contain a healthy mix of carbohydrates that regulate blood sugar. This inhibits excess sugar from converting to body fat.

Gluten-free foods, on the other hand, may contain added sugar to enhance the taste that causes blood sugar spikes, leading to excess fat. It also contains less fiber, leaving us hungry soon after we’re done eating and we end up eating more.

4. Commercial Fat-free Salad Dressing

Packed with vitamins, nutrients, minerals, fibers and antioxidants, green salads are incredibly healthy. However, in order to add zing to its taste, many of us top it with pre-packaged fat-free dressings.

Since this dressing is devoid of fat, other substances are added to balance its thickness and enhance its taste. One of the most harmful ingredients in fat-free salad dressing is fructose sugar, which is immediately stored as fat in our bodies.

5. Agave Nectar

It contains high levels of fructose that directly relate to weight gain. According to a 2002 study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, long-term consumption of fructose leads to weight gain and obesity.

6. Low-Fat Yogurt Containing Sugar or Flavorings

When we’re trying to follow a low-fat diet for weight loss, many of us opt for low-fat yogurt to save on calories. But, some types of low-fat yogurt can make us gain more weight.

When yogurt is processed to extract fat, it ends up losing its taste. Thus, in some products, excess sugar is added to make low-fat yogurt more appealing.

When there is a sugar spike in our bloodstream, some of it converts into energy while the rest is stored as fat. So, low-fat yogurt in our diet routine may actually lead to weight gain overtime.

7. Fruit Juices and Smoothies

Fruit juices and smoothies are popular component in weight-loss diets as people believe they keep us energized and fresh. However, by juicing our fruits, we are ripping them of nutritious fiber and consuming pure sugar.

Depending upon the number of fruits we put in our smoothie and their individual sugar and calorie content, we could actually be wrecking our diet.

Some of the sugar content will convert into energy, but the leftover will convert to fat to be stored away. This will lead to significant weight gain over time.

8. Nuts

1 ounce of peanuts contains 160 calories. Pre-packaged nuts are often glazed with honey and chocolate. So if you are thinking that a bit of chocolate coating won’t hurt, think again. Combined with the nuts’ calories, the added sugar will cause weight gain.

9. Granola

Its mass production has taken a toll on its quality. Most varieties are now made with puffed rice and added sugar. This makes them incredibly high in fat content.1 soft granola bar contains 132 calories. That is a whole lot of fat for anyone on a diet.

10. Hummus

Hummus contains tahini – a combination of olive oil and sesame paste – that is full of calories. An 8-ounce serving of hummus contains around 415 calories.



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