Friday, October 14, 2016

Deodorants Could Increase Risk of Breast Cancer. MUST READ

We love to smell great, in fact, a lot of people nowadays put on deodorant every day. Apparently, this safe daily regimen can have dangerous consequences for your health, if you choose the incorrect products.

The majority of the deodorants today have toxic components, that a very little amount of people know. Antiperspirants and deodorants have also been speculated in generating problems with the lymph glands or sweat glands.

Our skin, surprisingly, absorbs a great deal of what we put on it. So, if we’re putting chemicals on our body, it will absorb those chemicals. Here are a few of the things you should be informed of that are found in deodorant.

5 Hazardous Ingredients in Your Deodorant and Antiperspirants

1. Aluminum

Aluminum compounds are combined to deodorant to prevent the pores from sweating. Aluminum, like other heavy metals, may interfere with the ability of estrogen receptors to correctly process the hormone and are linked to breast cancer in women, prostate cancer in men, and an increased risk of Alzheimer’s.

2. Parabens

Parabens are found in many personal care items and are used a preservative.

The problem with parabens is that they mimic estrogen in your body. Parabens can throw off your body’s hormonal balance. This can cause an early onset of puberty, increase your risk of hormonal cancers, and even birth defects in your future children.

You may see parabens listed on the label as; methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, or butylparaben.

3. Propylene Glycol

Propylene glycol is used to increase absorption and helps keep substances from drying out. This substance was first formulated to be used as an anti-freeze.

It is is a neurotoxin and skin irritant. It could cause damage to your central nervous system, heart, and liver.

4. Steareths
Steareths are additives come from a cheap process that makes harsh ingredients more mild.

Steareths increase the likelihood of cell mutation and disrupt hormone receptors which in turn increases the risk of birth defects.

5. Triclosan

Triclosan is used as an antibacterial agent and preservative and reacts with tap water to create chloroform gas, a potential carcinogen. This chemical can also possess endocrine disrupting properties that have shown up in human breast milk and blood.



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