Sunday, November 6, 2016

9 Most Horrifying Ancient Medical Treatments Which Fortunately Are Not Practiced Now!

You would seriously thank god for giving birth to you in this era after knowing about the ancient medical treatment. Guys, you too will be shocked after knowing about them and forced to think that in those times even being in disease was better than treated.
Let's know about the brutal medical treatment.

1. Insulin shock therapy

Schizophrenia's patients used to given this shock and the amount used to be large. Because of them, sometimes even the patients went to coma. And they used to be there for weeks.

Doctors thought the patient would recover schizophrenia after waking which didn't happen.

2. Sleep deprivation

At some hospitals patients used to force to sleep in shifts because it was overcrowded. They thought it will work for getting out of depression but unfortunately they failed.

They were wrong as now it has been proved that sleeping deprivation causes more sleeping depression.
3. Trepanning

Thousands of years before a hole is used to scrapped in the head of someone's skull to treat mental illness.

This used to be oldest form of surgery and it was widely spread. Around 1500 trepanned skulls were found till now.

4. Hot- Hydrotherapy

These treatments used to be very brutal. There was nothing like just to take a hot bath. Actually, strong jets of water were blasted at patients.

5. Cold-Hydrotherapy

Patients used to submerge in ice cold water. And they were usually constrained in tube.

6. Sterilization

It was mainly practiced on schizophrenia and mental disorder patients. Julius Wagner-Jauregg thought schizophrenia was caused by excessive masturbation. This even used to force on poor man and woman or usually the ones who were considered undesirable.

7. Organ Removal

Dr. Henry Cotton thought that mental illness was caused by untreated bacterial infections. And, in curing the illness "surgical bacteriology" theory was involved which included removing of infected parts. Sometimes, even teeth and tonsils were used to remove but other parts that "required" removal for treatment were testicles, ovaries, gall bladders, stomachs, spleens, cervixes, and especially colons.

8. Malaria injections

They thought the malaria would cause fever and that would help in burning out syphilis bacteria.

There was a time people used to vaccinate injected with malaria and now doctors inject against it. They thought they could use the disease to help combat neurosyphilis.

9. Electroconvulsive therapy

This treatment is also known as electroshock therapy. Doctors used to use it as a "cure" for various mental illness.

Although this is used very occasionally.



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