Sunday, December 25, 2016

If You Experience This Feeling At Night - It Might Be Something Serious!

Statistics have showed that over 5 million people in the United States suffer from moderate to severe form of restless leg syndrome (RLS). Moreover, 1 in 10 adults has this health issue and over one million children of school age have RLS.

Here are the common symptoms of RLS.

  • Pain in foot
  • Itching
  • Uncomfortable feelings in the legs
  • Desire for shaking the legs

Usually, the symptoms are more experiences during the night.

This is not a serious health condition, but it can affect your quality of life and the ability to perform everyday activities.


There are two types of symptoms of RLS, primary and secondary.

Primary symptoms are hereditary, and the cause is located in the part of the brain which is responsible for monitoring. The secondary form is caused by certain health issues, including pregnancy, anemia, damaged peripheral nerves, impaired kidney function and degenerative disease of the spine.

Furthermore, this condition can sometimes occur as a result of using some medications like antidepressants, antipsychotics and excessive consumption of coffee, alcohol and nicotine. Generally, it is diagnosed according to the clinical picture. Laboratory tests require blood count, hormonal status, and kidney function analyses. The therapy depends on the results. Doctors often prescribe vitamins, minerals, analgesics, tranquilizers, and certain exercises.

How to alleviate the symptoms?

The symptoms can be relieved by waking up and getting up at the same time. Also, experts recommend stretching just before bedtime. You should sit on the floor with your legs stretched out and slowly bend the torso to the feet so that you can reach the hands in this position for a couple of

minutes. Moreover, you can practice yoga that includes stretching, deep breathing and relaxation. Avoid consuming drinks that contain caffeine such as green or black tea and coffee since they have negative effect on blood circulation and the quality of sleep.

RLS can also occur as result of iron deficiency and in this case you should consume foods rich in iron, such as red meat, prunes and beet.

Mix tea


Half a liter of boiled water
1 tablespoon of flowers chamomile
1 tablespoon of flowers rosehip crushed
1 teaspoon honey
Small amount of lemon juice


first, pour the boiling water over the chamomile and rosehip flowers. Cover the bowl and let sit for a while. Strain the liquid, then add the lemon juice and honey.

Consume tea a couple of times a day and before going to bed.



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