Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Attention Ladies! You Must Know These 8 Ways To Have Healthy And Infection-Free Vagina!

Almost everybody understands how to keep the body cleansed and infection free. But when it comes to the vaginal part, most of the ladies feel shy to be open. 

Itching, abnormal discharge, etc. are the symptoms that one mustn't ignore. Genital hygiene is basic information that should be taught to all. Read and gather the data to keep yourself happy and healthy, and I bet it's very simple.

1. Use only the mild soap or normal warm water to wash down there.

If you don't know, let me tell you that a vagina is an excellent machine that keeps clean itself with that white or yellow discharge. The bacteria lactobacilli keep the pH balance of the vagina (less than 4.5). Using of hard soap or another cleanser may disrupt this system. Use warm water to thoroughly rinse your vulva, labia and vagina. You can use non-irritating, plain mild soap sometimes to clean the outer area of your vagina.

2. Use 100% cotton undergarments.

While selecting undies, you should always choose cotton only because they are skin-friendly. The air circulation keeps your vulva dry. Wash your underwear with mild detergent.

3. Try to avoid douches and feminine hygiene sprays.

Many women use douches as a cleaner. Spraying water into your vagina to clean it with commercial douches may make you feel clean, but it's actually screwing up the good and bad bacterial balance in your vaginal area.

4. Pee after making love.

When you are in bed, the bacteria may transfer easily to each other. Even doctors recommend that peeing is good for health after sexual intercourse. This helps you to avoid painful UTIs. After sex, drink lots of water.

5. Change your tampons and pads too often.

Change the tampons and pads in a short gap to avoid infection. You should keep changing your pads after every 4 hours that will keep you away from bacteria. If you don't like changing your pads and tampons so often, you could consider using menstrual cups that are more environmentally-friendly and hygienic like Mooncup or Divacup.

6. When your discharge smells bad, consult doctor.

Do not spray the fragrance to hide the smell.

7. Always try to keep it dry.

If you wash it and leave it wet, more bacteria generate in the moist and dark. That causes itching and infections. Wipe gently after washing then only wear the panties.

8. Yogurt is healthy.

Yogurt contains so much healthy bacteria. Eating yogurt regularly can keep your vagina infection-free.


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