Thursday, November 10, 2016

What Happens To Your Body When You Swallow Gum?

It is the life-long story that when you eat a piece of chewing gum, it stays in your abdomen for 7 years as the stomach acids and the intestines aren't capable of eliminating it out like other food items that you eat. But this couldn't be more wrong. 

You may have unintentionally swallowed gum, but staying in your body for 7 years isn't its end. Let's check out what really happens when you swallow a piece of chewing gum. 

Gum is supposed to be chewed, not eaten. 

We've all been there when accidentally we tend to take the little piece of gum. But it doesn't stay in your stomach for 7 years.

Your parents or elder siblings might have scared you with stories when you were a kid but they aren't true.

So what really happens? 

To be honest, chewing gum goes into your digestive system just like any other food. But your stomach and intestines can't accurately digest it due to the substances used in making the gum.

Eventually, it will pass in your poop. 

Due to the strong enzymes and acids present in your digestive track, the gum breaks down like any other food. But the base of the gum isn't well broken down due to the chemicals used in it. So just like any other goods that can't be broken down in your stomach, it moves undamaged through your GI tract and eventually comes out in your poop.

Does gum stick to the intestine walls? 

Gum doesn't stick to your intestine walls. It won't break down entirely, but that doesn't mean it will form a gum plaque or anything like that in your intestine.

Does it cause any harm? 

Generally, it doesn't cause any harm if you swallow a small piece of gum. But it is advised that you don't make it a habit.

Our intestines will be intact. 

Swallowing gum is just like swallowing corn. You will always poop out corn and your bowel movement will still be healthy.

But you shouldn't swallow it. 

Chewing gum is only base and flavor so specialists are against swallowing it because it doesn't have any nutritional value.

It won't harm you or kill you. But that doesn't make it logical to it.



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