Thursday, November 10, 2016

This Is What Hiccups, Ringing Ears And A Whistling Nose Reveal About Your Health

Each one of you has had experienced hiccups, whistling nose, popping joints and ringing ears. Even you will felt some mysterious noise arise from your stomach at times. Well, these body sounds that can disturb us are basically an implication of a medical condition.

But the fact is that weird sounds our body makes are a way of providing the signal to us so as to relate to the inside situation of our system.

So, here we have all the facts and meanings associated to body sounds in our slot. Check them out!

Body sounds are the best method of connection between our body and us.
facts and definitions related to body sounds

Bodily sounds are actually of excellent help. They communicate with us and show us about our body health. They are safe and should not worry you much.
1. Hiccups

Generally, you experience hiccups after rapid eating. Well, these are generated by an interference in breathing, as a result, our diaphragm spasms and hiccups appear.

How to stop hiccups?

You usually prefer consuming water or holding breath. Well, holding breath for some time fills up carbon dioxide in lungs. As a result, the hiccups stop right away. But if you encounter it for a maximal time, then prefer to visit a doctor.

2. Ringing ears

Ringing ears are a result of being in a loud place for a much longer term just like when you visit discos and pubs. Tinnitus, an ear condition is behind this faint ringing.

As our ears usually, pass sound waves to the brain which interprets them. And when you suffer from this ear situation you send faint waves. As a result, your ears ring.

3. Your joints keep popping.

Joints pop primarily after when you do a lot of activities. And this occur because the fluid present in joints keeps bones separate and faces a ruptured ligament. This is why you feel pain or stiffness while moving.

4. A whistling nose.

Whistling nose is mostly experienced after a heavy cold. This happens when your nasal cavity gets filled up with mucus. It can also define torn cartilage and for which you should visit the doctor immediately.



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