Sunday, November 13, 2016

This Is What You Must Know About Restless Leg Syndrome ASAP!

Have you always felt the urge to move your legs constantly? Or have you encountered that the need to move your legs is getting uncontrollable?

Well, these all are symptoms designating that you might experience from restless leg syndrome or in short we can say RLS. Moreover, it is not too dangerous to risk your life.

There are many things to be known about this restless leg syndrome in which you don't know for sure. So, have a look and aware yourself to be more cautious.

Restless Leg Syndrome:

RLS is a condition where you possess the overwhelming urge to move your legs constantly. It basically refers to some unusual sensation in legs that is hard to describe mostly.

A RLS sufferer experiences the following sensations:

  • Aching
  • Itching
  • Burning
  • Irritation
  • Cramping
  • Crawling.

Signs and symptoms of RLS:

The weird and unexplainable sensations are only the signs that you may suffer from RLS. And mostly these sensations get worse at night time.

So, it may lead to sleepless nights resulting in a sleeping disorder.

Other risk factors related to RLS are:

  • Kidney failure
  • Diabetes
  • Iron deficiency
  • Peripheral neuropathy.

How to cure this condition?

Well, there are few anti-depressants and antihistamines may cause this condition to cure easily. And you should visit a doctor who will let you know the underlying medical status and treat accordingly.

Home remedies that can lessen the effects of RLS:

Yoga, warm baths, massages, use of hot packs and ice bags and complete elimination of intake of alcohol and tobacco.


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