Sunday, November 13, 2016

Reason Behind Vag in al Smell And Its Perfect Home Remedies Are Here

Vag inal smell is one of the utmost sickening symptoms of the vagi nal infection. This disturbing problem is encountered by most each and every girl. 

There are several who struggle with these ailments and feel shy in explaining them with a professional. But, these problems have some natural home remedies which can make every girl's life easier and healthier.

These are some of the ways which can help in decreasing the disgusting odor of vagina and even vaginal infections too.

1. Have an Apple Cider Vinegar bath.

Add 2 cups of the Apple cider vinegar into warm water and immerse your body into it for at least 20 minutes. Since Apple cider vinegar is a natural antibacterial, thus it keeps away odor producing toxins and bacteria.

2. Tea tree oil application reduces vaginal odor.

Application of the mixture of tea tree oil and water to the infected area reduces the bacterial infection. The tea tree oil is antibacterial and antifungal that helps in getting rid of intense vaginal odor.

3. Stop using fragrant body soaps.

Vaginal infections and discharges increase the use of soaps that have too many chemicals and fragrances. So to avoid odor, use mild soap with lukewarm water.

4. Yogurt helps in balancing vaginal infection

You may get shocked after reading this fact about yogurt being the best product for reducing the issue of a yeast infection.

Yogurt is house to thousands of micro-organisms which introduce healthy bacteria into your body. It helps in reversing the effect of infection and thus prevents a foul vaginal smell.

5. Hot water baths or showers kill body's natural bacteria

Try and adopt the habit of warm baths or showers and feel the difference in the vaginal odor problems.

6. Infected vagina

Girls usually face vagina odor due to the infections in the vagina which are mainly caused by yeast infections, bacterial infections, and STDs.


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