Sunday, November 20, 2016

Blocked Fallopian Tube – Can You Still Become Pregnant?! MUST READ

The fallopian tube is an essential component to a child's primary growth and development. It is also instrumental in helping bear a child. 

It works something like this: Upon ovulation, the egg from the ovary travels through the Fallopian tubes where it meets the sperm after copulation and where the process of fertilization begins. The cilia present in the tubes then push the fertilized egg towards the uterus where its implantation occurs. But what happens if the fallopian tube is blocked?

Blocked Fallopian Tubes And Its Causes

The unfortunate truth is that a blocked Fallopian tube can be detected only when attempts to conceive fail. Reasons for a blocked fallopian tube can be classified as follows:

Proximal - The tube could be blocked at the end at which it meets the uterus

Midsegment - In this case, the tubes are damaged or blocked at midpoint

Distal - In this case, the tubes are blocked at the end part towards the ovary.

Partial or complete?

The damage or blockage in the tubes may be partial or complete. There are cases when only one tube is damaged or there are cases when there is only partial blockage in the tube. Pregnancy is still possible to occur in partially damaged tubes since the tube is open enough for the egg and sperm to pass through. There is greater risk though, of having an ectopic pregnancy where the fetus develops outside the womb, more likely in the fallopian tubes.

This could lead to serious complications when the tube ruptures and causes internal bleeding. On the other hand, damage or blockage may be complete, and it becomes impossible for the egg and the sperm to pass through, to meet and unite. Hence, the chance of getting pregnant with completely damaged tubes is nearly impossible. However, there have been advancements in medical science, and it is possible to increase chances of conceiving dramatically through a few methods.

Natural Procedures To Treat Fallopian Tube Occlusion

These procedures are done without the help of drugs or surgery.

Fertility cleansing - his procedure uses herbs to cleanse the entire reproductive system, which increases the circulation. The herbs are absorbed into the body and perform cleansing where it is needed.

The fertility massage - There are massage techniques which help in opening the fallopian tubes.

Massage aids in increasing blood circulation and in breaking up the adhesions. Self-fertility massage, clear passage therapy massage, and castor oil massage are series of massage techniques supporting reproductive system health, minimizing menstrual discomforts, and used for softening and healing tissues in the reproductive system.

Herbs That Support Fallopian Tube Health

Golden seal root: This herb is an anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, and antifungal. As an anti-inflammatory, it prevents adhesion and formation of scar tissue.

Dong Quai: This super herb not only improves blood circulation but also has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. It reduces tissue congestion by acting on the circulatory and lymphatic system.

Wild yam: This herb promotes hormone levels that regulate fallopian tube function.

Ginger root: It improves blood circulation towards fallopian tubes and ovaries, reducing inflammation of the reproductive organs.

Hawthorn: This is a miracle herb. It contains antioxidants that help in improving blood flow to the tubes and in proper oxygen utilization. Oxygen is the key to heal the human body.

Peony root: This herb promotes normal levels of estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. It also has analgesic and muscle relaxant properties.

Medical Procedures To Diagnose Blocked Fallopian Tubes


Hysterosalpingogram is an X-ray procedure wherein a contrast dye is used to check if there is any obstruction in the tubes. The dye is introduced into the vagina through a thin tube, filling up the uterus and spilling into the fallopian tubes, if they are open. The X-rays are then taken, determining if there is any obstruction, injury or abnormal structures in the uterus and fallopian tubes. This is still the best test till date to diagnose blocked fallopian tubes.


The procedure uses ultrasound imaging and is hardly reliable since the fallopian tubes are too small to visualize using this kind of test. This procedure however, is helpful in diagnosing other reproductive organ abnormalities.


Chromotubation, like hysterosalpingogram, uses a dye in diagnosing fallopian tube blockage, except that the dye used in this procedure doesn't show on X-ray. This test requires surgery and is done during laparoscopy where the doctors can observe the dye spilling out of the tubes into the abdominal cavity.

Surgical Procedures To Open Blocked Fallopian Tubes And Expectations After Surgery

Advances in medical sciences has today made it possible to reopen closed fallopian tubes. However, if any damage is done it is irreversible. That said, these surgeries have shown positive results in general, and may either be open or closed.

Salpingectomy – also called tubectomy, is the surgical removal of one or both fallopian tubes.

Salpingostomy – surgical procedure that reopens the fallopian tube blocked by hydrosalpinx. There is a great chance however, of recurring blockage due to the formation of scar tissue.

Selective tubal cannulation – a non-surgical procedure carried out with the help of fluoroscopy or hysteroscopy wherein a cannula is inserted into the fallopian tube.

Fimbrioplasty – reconstructive repair of the fimbria in cases of fimbrial adhesions.

Tubal ligation removal – an outpatient surgical procedure that reverses tubal ligation. These surgical procedures have about 65-75% pregnancy success rate.


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