Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Attention Ladies With Oily Skin!! You Must All Avoid These Things! Or Else...

Oily skin can be a punishment for the people who have it. For one thing, it gives a person more sensitive to breakouts when the oils merge with bacteria on the skin to clog pores and hair follicles. 
Moreover, girls tend to suffer more from the oily skin since they put on pore-clogging cosmetics and because of the hormonal fluctuations that come from taking birth control pills, pregnancy or menopause. It seems everyone subject to oily skin suffers particularly bad bouts of it throughout adolescence.

1. Do not pop pimples

It is very tempting to want to pop an unsightly pimple, especially when it crops up at a really bad time, like just before a party or a night out. Squeezing a pimple only leads to scars and angry red marks.

2. Stay Away From Heat and Humidity

High temperature and humidity are also culprits when it comes to promoting oily skin. They cause people to sweat, and sweating exacerbates oily skin. On top of this, heat and humidity may cause heat rash. This occurs when the sweat glands are closed off because they are trapped in tight clothing or dressings.

Dermatologists recommend people counter the high heat and humidity with a night cleanser that has salicylic acid as an ingredient. It should be apply on at night, before bedtime, because salicylic acid makes the skin more sensitive to the sun.

3. Don’t smoke

Smoking is not for anything connected with the organism; even the exposure of smoke can worsen oily skin. Smoking kills the vitamins, and vitamins are essential for the wellbeing in general.

4. Avoid Harsh Soap

Many bar soaps are too harsh for people with oily skin, and they are especially bad if the skin is both oily and sensitive. A mild, fragrance-free cleanser is the best for people with oily skin. Another good idea is not to vigorously scrub the face when washing. This just irritates the skin and strips it of the oils it needs to stay supple.

5. Do not use hot water to wash your face

This has a contra effect and hot water is bad for the oil skin. The hot water dries the skin, and in order to keep up the skin compensates by producing floods of oil. On the other hand cold water does not cleanse well. The fine temperature for water to wash the face with is comfortably warm.

6. Over wash the Face

Washing the face more than three times a day also strips it of oils and irritates the skin. Wash two to three times a day with a mild cleanser that’s gently rubbed into the skin and then rinsed with warmish water. A good cleanser is a gel that has salicylic acid and foams when it’s applied.

7. Avoid astringents

If you do have oily skin even then according to dermatologists you should avoid astringents. Astringents will dry the skin out to the point where it will overcompensate with more oil the way it does when assaulted with hot water and harsh soaps.
8. Don’t use oil-based makeup

Women should avoid oil-based makeup and use make-up with a base made of powder, liquid or gel. Buy cosmetics that are hypo- or no allergenic and don’t clog the pores. This type of make-up is labeled non comedogenic.


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