Monday, October 31, 2016

If You Have Problems With Dark Circles Around The Eyes.. Try This Homemade Recipes And Be Amazed!

Darkening of the skin below the eyes and eye bags experience may appear because of lack of sleep, stress, pregnancy, menopause and allergic reactions.
Removing dark circles around the eyes by using various cosmetic products may not always present good expected outcome, plus, they are too expensive.

This is why we chose to show you several home methods which will help you deal with this problem.

1. Tomato paste

Ingredients needed:

– 2 fresh tomatoes
– Powdered turmeric
– A pinch of chickpeas flour
– 1 tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice

Method of preparation:

Mix all above-mentioned ingredients until you get a thick paste like mixture.

Way of usage:

Apply the resulting paste around your eyes and let it completely dry. Rinse the paste thoroughly after 10-20 minutes, using water. In order to gain a permanent result, repeat this procedure 2 to 3 times a week.

2. Almond oil

Apply a thin layer of almond oil onto the affected area(s) before you go to bed. Rinse your skin using cold water the very next morning. You will gain the best possible results if you practice this treatment for a whole week.

3. Mint leaves

Mash the mint leaves and apply them onto the affected area. The mint leaves will start doing their magic after 10 minutes. This herb has an additional soothing effect.

4. Aloe Vera

Make a mixture of Aloe Vera in combination with tomato juice. Apply the resulting mixture under your eyes two to three times on a daily basis. You will feel the incredible freshness.

5. Cucumber and potato

Put cucumber or potato circles onto your eyes in order to achieve beneficial effects. You can also use these ingredients’ juice. The best way to use the juices is by letting them act overnight.

6. Rose tonic

Soak a cotton wool in some rose tonic and apply it under your eyes. Let the tonic act for a while.

7. Orange juice and glycerin

A mixture made of freshly squeezed orange juice in combination with glycerin is a great tool against dark eye circles. This mixture will bring back skin’s natural shine. It will also make your skin become much softer.

8. Proper nutrition

Drink lots of water. Include fruits and vegetables which are rich in fiber into your daily diet. This way you will cleanse your whole body and you will also keep dark eye circles away from your eyes.



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