Wednesday, December 28, 2016

How GUAVA LEAVES Can Help Against Wrinkles, Acne, Dark Sports, & Skin Allergies!

We have all encounter several skin issues, including wrinkles, skin break out, imperfections, hypersensitivities or dull spots on the face. Fortunately, aside from the cosmetic procedures, we have various natural alternatives to keep and to enjoy their remarkably helpful results for the treatment of these skin conditions.

The use of guava leaves is one of those natural alternatives, which can be beneficial for almost all skin issues.


Guava leaves are useful towards microscopic organisms which cause acne. They work as a strong anti-bacterial agent and calm the skin and diminish the appearance of acne.


This miracle leaves are more helpful than the fruit itself, according to many studies. They possess anti-cancer properties and have the ability to destroy free radicals in the body. Therefore, guava leaves can be pretty helpful when it comes to enhancing skin`s quality and eliminating wrinkles.

   Dark Spots

These leaves can be also used to treat blemishes and dark spots on the face. Due to their ability to destroy microscopic organisms and tone the skin, they also help soothe irritation as well.

   Atopic Dermatitis

Amazingly, the redness and irritation which are caused by atopic dermatitis can be alleviated with the help of guava leaves. These leaves also have the ability to prevent the formation of histamines, chemicals which are released as part of an allergic reaction. They cause many allergy symptoms, such as wheezing, sneezing, itching, and swelling.


When it comes to atopic dermatitis, you should use dried guava leaves. Crush them and then mix with a tub of water. This relieves redness and itching, which in turn alleviates the unpleasant feeling they cause.

In the case of other skin issues, crush a few guava leaves and boil them in a saucepan. Cook until the water turns brown and becomes concentrated. Remove from heat and allow it to cool.

Then, apply this solution onto the affected area with a cotton ball. Allow it to work for about 15 minutes before washing it off with lukewarm water. For optimal results, repeat the procedure two times a week.



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