Monday, October 10, 2016

Horrifying Facts That Will Stop You Biting Your Nails!

Biting and picking at your nails is kinda gross. It’s a nervous habit that’s sure can still affect your health.

Nail biting, or onychophagia, is a relatively common habit that affects people of all ages. There are many theories as to why people bite their nails, but most agree that it often stems from stress or may be an activity that’s picked up as a child.
So here are facts everyone who bites their nails need to know:

1. There are all kinds of deeply wretched germs crawling under your fingernails.

Fingertips are hives of nastiness and are home to several types of bacteria, fungus, and YEAST. One common germ found under nails is Staphylococcus aureus, which can cause skin infections like boils and abscesses.

2. When you suck and chew on your fingernails, they become an even greater bacterial paradise.

In 2007, scientists tested 59 people to see whether nail-biting had any real effect on transporting bacteria to the mouth. They swabbed each person’s saliva to check for diarrhea and vomiting bacteria such as Escherichia coli and many others. And they found out that seventy-six percent of those who bit their nails tested positive, compared to just 26.5% of non-biters. So if you don’t want to get all those bacteria, you might want to take your fingers out of your mouth, now.

3. If you bite your nails, chances are that you’re already causing dental damage.

In real hardcore cases, nail biting has resulted in tooth fractures, tooth loss, and crazy, displaced jaws.

4. You’re more likely to grind your molars into dust at night.

Nail biting can be a nervous reaction, so if you’re chewing up your fingers, you’re also susceptible to grinding your teeth at night. Those who bite their teeth are often stressed.

If you already have weak teeth, continually tearing off bits of a nail with your front teeth could lead to dental chipping. Grinding can also LEAD TO TEETH FALLING OUT.

5. Brace-wearing biters run the risk of causing unprecedented damage to their chompers.

Nail-chewing brace wearers are treading particularly risky water. Not only does the habit put the brace at risk from breaking, but it can also cause or increase root resorption in teeth undergoing orthodontic treatment, which means that your body’s own cells start to EAT AWAY AT THEMSELVES and dissolve tooth structure.

6. It can also help develop bad breath.

The same unpleasant report also found that nail-biters were prone to halitosis, or highly disgusting breath. There lots of bacteria living in your mouth and most of it is meant to be there, but if you keep sticking your fingers in your mouth you’re going to introduce a ton of gross germs too.

7. Your fingertips can soon turn into a pus bath.

It’s caused by Staphylococcus aureus bacteria getting into small, open sores, and results in pools of pus forming around the nail. Basically, it’s like finger herpes, which is actually caused by the cold sore virus. It can be cured by pills, but sometimes it has to be surgically drained.
8. Nail biting can even lead to ORAL STIs. NO JOKE.

So it turns out that this horrible habit can even GIVE YOU HERPES. It’s pretty rare but there have been occasions where STIs have resulted in oral lesions (lip blisters) thanks to a transference of bacteria from finger to mouth. Stay woke.

9. And finally, those nails might NEVER GROW BACK.

Chronic nail biting can damage the nail bed, which, when exposed, leads to the irreversible shortening of nails. In other words, biting far enough down the nail bed means that no nail can latch on in future and so nails remain as stumps FOREVER.



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