Monday, October 17, 2016

Dangers of Eating Smoked Meat That You Must Know!

Even though they can be tasty and are one of the favorite foods to some people, smoked meat products are filled with nitrates and are extremely salty and smoked.

Smoked meat products like sausages, bacon, smoked ham, etc., can increase the risk of stomach cancer.

According to a group of scientists from the cancer research institute of Sweden, frequent consumption of smoked bacon, sausages, prosciutto, ham and other meat products damage the overall human health and put humans at high risk of cancer development.

This information is based on a 4 year research conducted on 4.704 participants. The results of the research showed that frequent consumption of the abovementioned meat products increase the risk of stomach cancer from 15 up to 38%.

The reason why these products are so harmful is because they are abundant in nitrates combined with a lot of salt and smoke. This combination is the main culprit for the increased risk of stomach cancer occurrence. According to Scandinavian scientists, stomach cancer is the fourth most frequent disease.

Carcinogenic Substances and By-products

Smoked meats are associated with an increased risk for certain cancers due to the presence of cancer-causing substances -- carcinogens.

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and heterocyclic amines form when meat is cooked under high temperatures, as happens during smoking over an open flame or by grilling.

While there smoked meats contain cancer-causing chemicals that connect high consumption of smoked, grilled or barbecued meat with increased risk of prostate, colorectal and pancreatic cancers.

Stomach Infections and Cancer

Eating smoked meats increases your risks of stomach infections associated with bacterial contamination such as E.coli and Listeria monocytogenes.

E. coli infections can make you suffer from diarrhea and stomach pain, while L. monocytogenes causes listeriosis. Listeriosis causes fever, headache and stomach pains.

Consuming high amounts of smoked meat and salted fish increases your risk of suffering from stomach cancer. Stomach cancer is associated with pain, indigestion, fatigue and nausea.

Elevated Sodium in Diet

Smoked meat has a high sodium content because it often involves salt brines, salt-curing and the addition of rubs. This salt increases the amount of sodium you ingest. Sodium is both a mineral and an electrolyte, and is essential for the water balance in your body.
However, high levels of sodium in the blood are associated with high blood pressure, over hydration and cardiovascular disease. Also, if you are following a special kidney or heart diet, the increased sodium intake through smoked meat can worsen your condition.

Increased Stroke and Diabetes Risk

Eating smoked or otherwise processed meats such as hot dogs and cold cuts increases your risk of stroke, heart disease and type 2 diabetes significantly.

Unprocessed meat is healthier and does not increase your chances of suffering from heart diseases and diabetes. While over-indulging in processed meats can be detrimental to your health, taking moderate amounts of cured or smoked meat is all right



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