Saturday, June 11, 2016

Prevent Heart Attack And Stroke By Drinking This Homemade Drink!

  A lot of us, specially old people are at a greater risk of having stroke and heart attack, which is not really good because you're 50/50 dead or alive. When the level of your bad cholesterol increases, it will built up on your artery walls and it would case the decrease of blood flow and possibly put you at risk of heart attack and stroke.

     Thankfully there is a homemade and natural drink that you can easily make, and take note this is really easy and cheap, the ingredients you need are also readily available in any market or grocery stores out there. This will surely help everyone of us because this homemade drink will help you lower down your bad cholesterol.

  • 1 Liter of Water
  • 6 Peeled Lemons and is cut into small pieces
  • 30 Cloves of Garlic, chopped into small pieces
If you have a blender:
     Place the cut lemons and garlic into your blender and little by little add the 1 liter of water until it reaches a great consistency of mixture. If you think its good enough, pour the mixture in a pot and let it boil, when it reaches the boiling point, turn off the heat and let it cool, and pour the mixture into a jar and refrigerate it.

If you don't have a blender:
     In a pot, place all of your ingredients and let it boil, when it boils, turn off the heat and let it cool, pour the mixture in a jar and refrigerate it. It will be like tea, if in case you don't like the taste, try adding some honey on it, while you drink it.

     First dosage is drink 50ml for 3 weeks everyday.
     After drinking the mixture for 3 weeks, stop for a week then, repeat the process.

     Repeat this for 6 months and see the results great results! This actually won't just help you lower down your bad cholesterol, this will also help you improve your blood circulation, prevent any formation of blood clots, prevent tumors, rejuvenate your cells, lower your blood pressure and also improve your liver function!

     Its not bad to try something new, you might never know the effects on this on your body unless you try this!


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