Tuesday, January 17, 2017

$exually Active Couples Must Know THESE Remedies To Control Birth Defects!

How many $exually active couples have ever prepared themselves for becoming parent? The number if will ever be surveyed will be very less. And this is why the number of birth defects surveyed is more than expexctation.

I came up with some remedies that will help every mother-to-be from giving birth to defected child. Scroll down below for the complete information.

1. Approach for a genetic counseling

The Reason behind most of the birth defects are unidentified and hence, opting for a counseling session will help in analyzing family history and genetic disorders better. Which in turn will help in reducing defects in an infant.

2. Proper vaccination

Pregnant women should be aware of the vaccines taken in different stages of the pregnancy and should follow them on a proper schedule.

3. Intake of folic acid

The intake of folic acid during pregnancy helps in keeping an infant fit and healthy post birth.

4. Say a big NO to smoking

Either you are pregnant or not, smoking is always injurious to health and keeping this habit aside will help in reducing the chances of birth defect.

5. Keep one arm distance from drugs

Drug intake will ensure that your kid, who is as innocent as an elixir, will be consuming a substance that is sure to harm its health in ways that are pure horrible.

6. Power yoga and meditation

Yoga helps in keeping pregnant women healthy and fit and hence reduces the risk of birth defects in a new born.

7. Get pregnant at the perfect age

It is rightly said the older is the mother, the higher are the chances of birth defects. The best age for the first baby(consider nothing as perfect or imperfect) is claimed to be in between 25 to somewhere in the early thirties.

8. Eat healthy and stay healthy

"An apple a day keeps the doctor away." Women who are pregnant have a higher craving for eating anything coming in front of their eyes. So, it's very much important to have a strict eye on the diet.

9. Regular checkup

Routine checkup and proper medication keeps both mother and baby healthy.

10. Environmental toxins are not safe

Chemicals cause a higher risk of birth defects and thus, it is preferred to be away from any kind of chemical during pregnancy. Share the information with every mother-to-be or for that matter, with every female, so that they can reduce the chances of birth defect.


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