Sunday, January 1, 2017

10 Brilliant Tips To Make Your Lips Kissable Instantly!

Healthy and soft lips are everybody's dream. Giving it a glossy or matte look is completely your choice, but preserving it free from dehydration, patchiness and pigments will make them look beautiful, young and healthy. Apart from keeping it hydrated and moisturized, here are some tips that will make your lips look sexy.

So smile, pout and take a selfie. Stay beautiful! Stay fit!

1. To avoid dryness!

1. To avoid dryness!
Don't forget to apply sunscreen to your lips to avoid chapped lips and dryness.

2. To give a pumping boost!

2. To give a pumping boost!

A little peppermint oil in your lip gloss will give your lips a pumping boost.

3. To remove flakes!

3. To remove flakes!
Rub your lips with a warm rag to remove the flaky excess dry bites of dead skin.

4. For a sexy look!

4. For a sexy look!
Dab a touch of gloss in the center of your lip tip. This will make your lips look sexy and pouty!

5. For a matte look!

5. For a matte look!
Save money and put concealer on your lip before applying your shiny lip gloss to give it a matte look.

6. For soft and shimmery!

6. For soft and shimmery!

Use Vaseline to make your lips soft and shimmery.

7. For Shiny look!

7. For Shiny look!
Make sure you always have a lip gloss to keep your lips looking shiny and feeling healthy.

8. For fuller look!

8. For fuller look!
For fuller lips, extend the lip line using a flesh tone lip liner.

9. To make them look bigger!

9. To make them look bigger!

Lip liners can plump up the lips to make them look bigger and more and more defined.

10. To make look teeth whiter!

10. To make look teeth whiter!

Wearing lipstick with a Blueish undertone will make your teeth appear whiter.



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