Monday, December 12, 2016

Here’s Why You Should Limit Your Time of Sitting on the Toilet!

Have you ever considered that when you go to toilet how much time do you spend in there? Yes using restroom for some is a state of being with your own self and for some it is a time to catch their social media updates. Whether you are in toilet just for reading that newspaper or scrolling through your twitter updates, unconsciously you spending more time than you should actually be spending in there.

While there has been emphasis on spending some time in the restroom to defecate properly, spending more than a usual time could lead to host of different health issues. Read on to know that why scientifically you should limit your time in the toilet :

Leads To constipation

The process of digestion involves peristalsis which is a series wave like contraction of muscles, and moves the food to different processing stages in digestive tract. From oesophagus to intestines peristalsis helps in absorption of the nutrients in the body. The process ends in the large intestine where water gets absorbed and the waste gets excreted through bowel movement. However if you keep holding your bowel movement for long, the process gets reversed and results in hardening of waste materials in your body. This further leads to constipation. Thus if you sit for too long on the toilet seat your body will not recognise that your purpose was to defecate.

Cause Haemorrhoids

When you spend long duration of time in pooping it is quite possible that you are trying to put a pressure on yourself to excrete. This stress on the rectum can lead to haemorrhoids, which is a painful condition in which blood vessels in the rectum get inflamed and cause bleeding in severe cases. If you notice that you are spending more than usual time that you must make dietary modifications, such as adding fibre to your diet, to help you defecate easily.

Stools Accumulate In colon

While taking too long to poop leads to constipation, constipation itself further leads to accumulation of stools in colon. This causes stomach to engorge. This further leads to sharp pain in stomach and tear of tissue line. The tear of skin and tissue line can cause bleeding.

Modern Day Toilet Seats Are Not Designed To Ease Defecation

Our modern day toilet seats are designed for a more comfortable sitting. However for an easy defecation, experts suggest squat position is the best position. In squatting, your torso presses against thighs and it naturally compresses colon. It also relaxes the muscles allowing anorectic angle to straighten and thus bowel to empty completely. Natural squat position with deep pelvis bend helps in improving the bowel movement.

Train Yourself To Not To Sit In Toilet For Too Long

Constipation, colon issues, haemorrhoids and pelvic floor diseases are not easy to live with. Hence it is important for you to train your body to adopt corrective measures. Sitting too long in comfort room will only aggravate the issues, hence you must not spend too long on toilet. Train yourself to defecate in span of max 10 minutes to defecate.



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