Tuesday, November 29, 2016

10 Warning Signs Of Bloated Stomach If Ignored Can Kill You!

Do you have that huge bloated belly? I asked my friend and he respond with a quick NO. Ahh, he lied, I have seen that bulgy, irritating belly that comes in within his dresses and disappoints him every now and then. And I know that some of you are anxious because of the same difficulty but are not doing something to reduce that fat abdomen.

So let me make you more afraid of the critical issue and wake you up to do justice with your health. Down here, I have noticed the signs of the disorder caused due to bloating stomach.

Do read them and get serious to help your ownself.

#1 Colon cancer

Constant bloating with bleeding in the stool is also the major sign of colon cancer.

#2 Diverticulitis

Bloating following with fever and abdominal pain, along with constipation or diarrhea can cause diverticulitis.

#3 Pancreatic cancer

These days most of the deaths are caused due to pancreatic cancer. The sign of cancer can also be jaundice, poor appetite, upper abdominal pain and back pain.

#4 Liver diseases

Bloating accompanied by the fluid inside the belly and jaundice can further cause some severe liver diseases.

#5 Sudden weight loss

It is the most critical condition one can face with a bloating stomach.

#6 Ovarian cancer

One of the signs of ovarian cancer is bloating stomach and if ignored, can be injurious to your health.

#7 Floating gas inside stomach

Floating gas can be the biggest cause of the bloating stomach and vice versa.

#8 Uterine cancer

When bloating combines with abnormal vaginal discharge, it's a big sign of uterine cancer.

#9 Blood in stool and vaginal bleeding

If bloating remains persistent for a long time, the issue of vaginal bleeding and blood in stool gets common.

#10 Pelvic inflammatory disease

Bloating contributes to rigid pain, fever and tenderness in the pelvic area that further results in pelvic inflammatory disease.


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