Friday, October 28, 2016

Is It True That 3-4 Times S*x In A Week Can Actually Help Illiminate Kidney Stones? MUST READ

Kidney stones can be extremely painful. Aside from that, if not treated immediately, can lead to more serious complications like kidney failure and others.
That is why it is important to treat these stones as soon as they are diagnosed. However, treatment is often expensive and difficult. Moreover, you’ve got to maintain a healthy lifestyle just to avoid acquiring them again!

However, there are treatments that are not only natural but also pleasurable! Take s*xual intercourse for one. Did you know that it can actually clear out your kidney in just two weeks?

Yes. Researchers say that interc0urse is equivalent to intense exercises and keeps you fit and healthy. Furthermore, studies suggest that 3-4 times a week can naturally help get rid of you kidney stones.

In a research experiment conducted by the Ankara Training and Research Hospital in Turkey, 26 out of 31 who participated were cleared out of kidney stones in two weeks. They responded better than the patients who went through the regular medical treatment and those who took tamsulosin.

And yes, interc0urse can benefit you more than the ways you know! Here are some of them:

- Improved Immunity -Heart Health
- Lower Blood Pressure
- It’s a Form of Exercise
- Pain Relief
- May Help Reduce Risk of Prostate Cancer
- Improve Sleep -Stress Relief
- Boost Your Libido
- Improved Bladder Control in Women
- Increase Intimacy and Improve Your Relationship



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