Monday, October 31, 2016

Eating Tilapia Is Worse Than Eating Bacon! The Truth About Tilapia. MUST READ

We were told that fish is good because of the enormous amounts of omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, high protein amounts and low fat that include. That is true, but there is always another side.
The Tilapia is very popular fish and is usually imported from China or farm raised. Have this kind of fish or some other farmed kinds like sea bass, salmon or catfish can cause more harm than good to your health.

The truth about farmed fish!

Having high inflammatory potential, this variety of fish may cause asthma, heart disease or joint pain. In some studies was found that tilapia is more hazardous than eating pork bacon or a hamburger. It has higher inflammatory potential.

We all know that Omega 3 works together with omega-6 fatty acids and both have anti-inflammatory properties, except when this ratio is out of balance. This disbalance can be caused because farmed fish has less omega 3 fatty acids.

Farmed fish is dangerous because it is full with high concentrations of pesticides and antibiotics are given to survive in the crowded pools. They are sprayed with very strong pesticides in order to combat sea lice.

The living conditions are especially bad in China because recently The Economic Research Service uncover the truth for the bad conditions in many farms in China. It is just a rumor that fish there were fed with ping and chicken feces.

These products that come from China are more likely that contain high amounts of antibacterial drugs and very high levels of chemicals. This is true because the Seafood Watch told the truth after taking some fish samples for testing

Dibutylin and dioxins are chemicals that can also be found there and they are very, very harmful. The former chemical impairs the function of the immune system and the letter is carcinogens. For instance, wild salmon has 11 times lower dioxin levels than the farm bred salmon.

How to protect yourself?

The best way to protect yourself is to know from where comes the fish on your plate. Canada, U.S, and Ecuador are best places for raising the tilapia. It happens very often to find no information for the food’s origin on the labels. So labeling isn’t transparent in most cases. Another thing that you can’t know for sure is the food that was given to the fish. There are a lot of cases where that food is a GMO. Classifying the food especially the seafood as organic is not so easy because there are no guidelines.

To resort to wild caught fish might be take in consideration, but damages to the environment and a lot of collateral damage will be done with the overfishing. Sydney Morning Herald reports that the most sustainable fish are a tailor, mahi-mahi, moonfish, blackfish and wild whiting. Aussies have a green label to sea mullet, Australian Bonito, and trevally. All three are very rich in Omega 3 fatty acids.

The question for the ethical consumption of the fish is still unanswered, and the only fact is that people are hungry for proteins.



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