Thursday, October 27, 2016

An Easy And Most Effective Way To Remove Head Lice – A Trick Hidden By Doctors!

The lice are a trouble for every parent. Their kid can come from school and say something is scratchy on his head. Yes, it is lice, the small insects that feed with human blood on the scalp and they can be contagious.

Kids get them mostly, but adults too and make the scalp inflamed and itchy. If not treated, they worsen up and even create infections.
There are countless shampoos on the market but they cost a lot and their effect is not that amazing. You can leave them for hours and still have the lice back. If everything is done and still no good results, then you can try our method.

You need:

  • Listerine 
  • Lice comb 
  • White vinegar 
  • Shower cap 
  • Towels


  • Wash the hair of the kid and use the mouthwash for this. 
  • Wrap the plastic bag now and let it sit for 60 min that way. 
  • \Then use the vinegar on the kid’s head and let that sit under the cap another hour. 
  • Remove the cap and shampoo the hair. 
  • Comb with the special comb and remove the lice.

The Listerine smell keeps lice at bay and they cannot stand the minty smell. Add Listerine in a bottle and spray even before you send the kid to classes. It takes no more than few hours.

This is better than the harsh ineffective chemicals. The benefits of this treatment are: No side effects, natural, healthy, long term results, cheap, takes a few spritzes, protection on the long run, smoother hair and shinier too.



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